Russell Maurice
“Iʼm old, when I first started making Zines and Teeshirts, personal graphics computers simply wheren't a thing (I mean, they existed but you had to be either very rich or a Graphic Design agency). There was no mobile phones, Photographs were made on film and developed at a shop or chemist.
I made all my Zine and Teeshirt artwork (including the colour separations for screen printing) on a Xerox machine. For the colour separations Iʼd use a photocopy of the design and used Tippex (white out) and a black pen.
This project is a celebration or ‘ye olden daysʼ, analog as hell, scissors, glue, white out, halftone overlays and most of all of the mighty Xerox machine, (which I still use a lot in my work), spending a lot of time in the convini and then even more in the studio editing and processing 1000 Xeroxʼs". – Russell Maurice
– Limited edition
– Signed by the artist